Walleye in Alberta (Sander Vitreus)
Walleye Identification
- two dorsal fins, one is spiny, the other is soft
- glassy eyes that reflect white light
- white tips on anal and lower caudal fins
- large mouth armed with sharp canine teeth
- olive/gold colour with five darker saddles on their back; white bellies
Walleye Description
Walleye (sometimes called Pickerel which are not related at all) are one of the most wide spread species in Alberta and are found in many lakes and some rivers throughout the province. They have been the most stocked fish in Alberta since 2006, and are the most sought after fish for consumption due to their quality white tasting meat. Walleye are the only species in Alberta that are protect by a special harvest license at selected lakes. Special harvest license applications are generally available between March and April. Walleye's main forage is bait fish and insects and can be caught by either angling or fly fishing. They are very aggressive feeders and usually hunt in schools, so if you catch one, you will most likely catch more.