Brown Trout in Alberta (Salmo Trutta)

Brown Trout Identification

  1. darker black/red spots down the backside
  2. few/no spots on tail
  3. Red spots with pale halos around them

Brown Trout Description

Brown Trout are not native to Alberta but were introduced in 1925 when a truck carrying 45,000 fingerlings broke down. The driver released his cargo into the nearest stream which lead the fish to the Bow River -- which is now world renowned for Brown Trout fishing. Despite their unintended entrance into Alberta they are a part of the Alberta stock program and are now found moderately throughout the Eastern Slopes of Alberta.

Quick Facts About Brown Trout

  • Zones: ES1, ES2, ES3 | PP1 | NB3 | BNF, WTL
  • Diet: flies, other fish, nocturnal
  • Habitat: all bodies of water, behind rocks, fallen trees, undercut banks
  • Breeding: fall when temperatures drop below 8 degrees celsius
  • Alberta Record: 17lb 9oz
  • Life Span: 20 years